A Day in the Life

The Adventures of Nora and Josie (and their parents)

Friday, March 28, 2008

Funny girls!

The other night at dinner, Josie was cracking up at everything Nora did. Of course, that encouraged Nora to ham it up even more. They were both pretty much hysterical by the time we got out the camera!

Hunting for eggs

Nora searches for (and finds!) Easter eggs.

It's Magic!

Nora's big into magic tricks lately. She particularly likes to make a coaster disappear while we're eating a meal. Where will it appear? Behind her ear? In her eye? Who knows?!?

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Odds and Ends

May as well get all the pictures we have up here now, because who knows when I'll update again!
Mama got a new wrap! It's very soft and cuddly. Josie's a fan!
She's also a fan of the doorway jumper, which I pulled out of the closet yesterday.
Nora prefers to eat her bananas "monkey-style" (in the skin) lately.

Happy Easter!

Nora on Easter morning: modeling her Easter dress, drinking her morning milk, and pretty happy about the raisins the Easter Bunny left in her basket.
Mmmm, raisie! (Most words end with a -y sound around here these days.)
I found an egg!!

It is So. Cool.
Josie enjoying her Easter teething elf.
And modeling her amber teething necklace (a natural analgesic and traditional teething remedy). Hmm, the Easter Bunny had a theme for Josie's basket!
I just loved the light here and the look on her face.
The teething elf is almost as cute as the elf who is teething! Traditional Blachly Easter baskets - real grass and real dyed eggs.
Josie in her Easter sweatsuit. Hee hee!
The girls (and no, this is nowhere near all the pictures we took in this pose, which didn't even start out as an intentional photo shoot!).

Wait, you didn't all cap off your Easter celebrations with the ceremonial Trimming of the Bangs?!?


We've been having trouble getting pictures off of the camera lately! But finally, it worked this morning. Whew!

Drippy nosed Nora Olive Fingers.
When Nora's sick, the only place she wants to nap is with Daddy on the couch.
Checking out a real firetruck!
Getting ready to do some firefighting.
Checking a teddy's vital signs in an ambulance. This is the only way I ever want to see my daughter in an ambulance!
Nana and Babchi are going to bee school right now. We're pretty sure that this is the mortarboard look they'll be sporting when they graduate! (As modeled here by non-bee-school-graduates.)
Nora wants to try it on for size too.
Josie is a very happy girl!
But take enough pictures, and even she'll get fed up. :)
Nora wearing Baby Doll on her back, the same way that she and Josie ride on Mama!
Friends are the best! Nora's sharing her chair with Taylor, and Paige is in the foreground.
Taylor's camera face is a lot, um, friendlier than Nora's is.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Coming soon...

Yeah, just try and hold me to it! ;) On deck we have several videos of both girls, Nora's updated (and crazy long) vocabulary list, and hopefully some more pictures!

I'll do my best to stay a little better about keeping up with things around here...

P.S. All those of you who have been giving me a hard time (directly and indirectly) about not updating here (and there are a LOT of you!), you know who you are: leave us a comment sometime! Let us know you like to see pictures! Tell us who's the cutest (even though we already know the answer: it's a tie between N and J)! Seriously, leave a comment now and then, so I know that someone's appreciating this. :)


One day Nora emerged from her room after her nap, having scavenged through her drawers, wearing four more shirts that she went to sleep in!
She was pretty proud of that one.
Josie's a smiley girl!
I have no idea why we put a diaper cover on our daughters' heads.
Seriously, what sort of parent would do that? And during dinner, no less. ;)
Josie LOVES her anteater. She's an anteater eater.See what I mean? Smiley!
I guess we didn't take that many pictures in February.


Nora and Josie hanging with Daddy on the couch.
Camera face!
Poor Josie, with no recourse against what she's subjected to! Modeling the hood from Nora's winter jacket. Who knows why?!
J-for-Josie pants!
Nora wearing three coats at once.
Post-bath in the big tub!
What's my big sister doing?
She's still in the bath!
Hanging on the floor.
Their outfits were so coincidentally cute and coordinated, I thought I'd take pictures for Valentine's! (Yeah, you can all guess exactly how far that project went.) Camera hands!
Matching tummies.
Ok, everybody, feet in the air!
Josie was much, much smaller than the roses left over from our neighbors' wedding.
It's a little intimidating to be next to flowers that big! Nora sleeps in Big Girl Bunk Beds now!
These are from the day we set up the new bed, before putting the sheets on. Nora discovered they're great for jumping!
PJ's in the morning.
Sister love!
Sometimes Nora insists on sitting in Mama's chair to eat breakfast... Daddy and his girls.

One day when Operation Big Girl Bed malfunctioned at naptime: Nora got out of bed to play before napping, as she often does. But this time, she forgot to climb back into bed before falling asleep!