Happy Easter!
Nora on Easter morning: modeling her Easter dress, drinking her morning milk, and pretty happy about the raisins the Easter Bunny left in her basket.
It is So. Cool.
Josie enjoying her Easter teething elf.
And modeling her amber teething necklace (a natural analgesic and traditional teething remedy). Hmm, the Easter Bunny had a theme for Josie's basket!
I just loved the light here and the look on her face.
The teething elf is almost as cute as the elf who is teething!
Traditional Blachly Easter baskets - real grass and real dyed eggs.
Josie in her Easter sweatsuit. Hee hee!
The girls (and no, this is nowhere near all the pictures we took in this pose, which didn't even start out as an intentional photo shoot!).

Wait, you didn't all cap off your Easter celebrations with the ceremonial Trimming of the Bangs?!?

Nora has the best repoitoire of camera faces I've ever seen.
repertoire. I can spell, I swear.
Josie really does look just like her mom at the same age! One of those "girls" shots in particular.
Looks like you had a happy and fun Easter. Josie does look so pretty in the sun. I love the photo shoot. All the girls look so pretty (even Mom).
The bang cutting is a riot. She is so good to just sit there.
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