Nora and Josie hanging with Daddy on the couch.

Camera face!

Poor Josie, with no recourse against what she's subjected to! Modeling the hood from Nora's winter jacket. Who knows why?!

J-for-Josie pants!

Nora wearing three coats at once.

Post-bath in the big tub!

What's my big sister doing?

She's still in the bath!

Hanging on the floor.

Their outfits were so coincidentally cute and coordinated, I thought I'd take pictures for Valentine's! (Yeah, you can all guess exactly how far that project went.)

Camera hands!

Matching tummies.

Ok, everybody, feet in the air!

Josie was much, much smaller than the roses left over from our neighbors' wedding.

It's a little intimidating to be next to flowers that big!

Nora sleeps in Big Girl Bunk Beds now!

These are from the day we set up the new bed, before putting the sheets on. Nora discovered they're great for jumping!

PJ's in the morning.

Sister love!

Sometimes Nora insists on sitting in Mama's chair to eat breakfast...

Daddy and his girls.

that last picture is the cutest. boy can i relate. i mean, i hate it when i'm too busy playing to remember that i'm about to pass out asleep.
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