A Day in the Life

The Adventures of Nora and Josie (and their parents)

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Six weeks

At six weeks, Josie's starting to have much longer awake and alert periods, which is lots of fun. She turns her head to track objects in motion, and towards sounds. She still prefers sleeping on or next to someone, but she's starting to be more accepting of Daddy as that person (before, she would only sleep on me).

At her one month appointment, she was almost back up to her birthweight, and an inch longer! She was 8 lbs 15 oz (40th percentile) and 21.5" (75th percentile). So far, at least, she has the same body type as Nora, with their height tracking way above their weight. Nice and healthy!

She's just starting to grow out of a few things - mostly newborn size things that Nora never even wore! Two of my favorite rompers have been retired, as well as a couple of sleepers and several onesies. Like Nora, Josie seems to be outgrowing things for length before girth. Part of that is her cloth diapers, which add bulk and make her long torso even longer. Speaking of which, I moved her up from newborn sized diaper covers to size small yesterday. My dainty baby is growing up already!


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