We're thrilled to announce the arrival of Josefina True Blachly Brassard! Josie was born on Tuesday, October 30, at 5:41 pm. She weighed 9 lbs, 1 oz, and was 20.5 inches long - exactly a pound and a half and two inches smaller than Nora was at birth. For a "big" baby, she seems like a wee little pixie to us! Mama and Josie came home from the hospital on Thursday to a very happy big sister Nora and her daddy. We're all doing well and enjoying Daddy's time off from work as a family together.
Mama and Josie, 2 hrs old.

Josie started nursing within about five minutes of birth!

Celebrating Halloween, one day old.

Mama and her girls, headed home.
WELCOME TO THE WORLD, BABY JoSiE!!!! Congrats, Sarah!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! So happy for you. Josie is adorable!
Josie makes a great little pumpkin!
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