This weekend and last were the
Last Green Valley's annual Walking Weekends, and though we didn't make it to any walks last weekend while Daddy was in Maine, the whole family attended three walks yesterday and today. Plus, it's finally cooling off and crisping up, and feeling like fall around here. Yay for fall!
A little ragamuffin hanging out around the house.

She prefers to put her hats on herself, which explains why it's a little lopsided!

Our first walk, on Saturday, was a tour of
Graywall Farm in Lebanon. We got to walk in the fields where they grow the hay and corn to feed the cows, tour the barns and milking parlor, and even see a baby calf being born!

Nora picks some of the cows' lush clover.

Enjoying the talks.

Nora moos at a brandnew baby calf, who chooses that moment to find his voice for the first time. Yes, she taught him how to moo!

This calf was about one hour old. Because he was a boy, he was going to be sold at an auction on Monday - he can't stay to live on the dairy farm.

This is the baby cow we watched being born. The farmer isn't pulling her out, just supporting her weight while the mama cow pushes. It was amazing to watch! This one turned out to be a girl, so she gets to stay on the farm. They named her Evelyn!

Today we went on two more walks. The first was at Lapsley Orchard in Pomfret. Nora liked all the pumpkins and squash, and particularly enjoyed sampling lots of apples!

There was another little girl on the walk who was about six months older than Nora, and the two of them enjoyed running around together and picking dandelions and clover. Her mama even had her in a ring sling just like Nora's!

The last walk we went on was this afternoon at the
Agricultural Extension Center in Brooklyn. This one was a walk through their sustainably managed forest, and a talk about forest management. It was really interesting, but we didn't get any pictures - Nora was on my back in the wrap most of the time while I tried unsuccessfully to get her to nap. Too much conversation going on for that, though! She made it until we got home, and took a nice nap in her crib instead. After our busy weekend, we're looking forward to a nice peaceful week full of our usual activities just to relax!
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