A Day in the Life

The Adventures of Nora and Josie (and their parents)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Mehwee Kissips!

Wishing a very Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate!

We're anxiously awaiting news of the girls' new baby cousin Sprout soon, and thinking of Aunt Abby, who's working on getting him out into the world, and Aunt Sara, who's helping Aunt Abby with that little project! We hope he's a Christmas baby (or even a Christmas Eve baby, and I'll forgive you for not calling us in the middle of the night). We also can't wait to find out his real name! :)

And about Mehwee Kissips, yeah, I know it's obnoxious to keep typing out Nora-speak. But some of her pronounciations are so cute, and I want you all to experience them! And I'm definitely going to have to buy some batteries somewhere other than the dollar store if I ever want my camera to take a video again.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Kissips Tee!

We got a tree from a farmstand this year for the first time, as both girls and Aaron have been pretty sick, and we didn't want them wandering around in the woods all afternoon to harvest one ourselves behind Meme's house, as we usually do. It's a lovely tree all the same, even if it's a lot more traditional than I'm used too. Apparently they don't sell wispy Charlie Brown white pines at tree farms! Who knew?!

The girls were very excited to bring it in the house - Josie did a dance, and Nora put a dish towel in it to be a bird's nest.

We got the tree a week ago, and set it up the same day. It's still undecorated, but the Kissips Elffs came one night after the girls were asleep and left Kissips lights on it, which are a big hit. Hopefully those elves will get to the decorating one of these nights soon, otherwise it's going to be a lit but undecorated tree on Christmas!


We got nearly a foot of snow over the last 24 hrs! Aaron's been out plowing for about 20 of those hours, but the girls and I have been hunkered down at home, baking Christmas cookies and reading stories. We ventured out to play for a while this morning. It took about 20 minutes to get all three of us geared up, we were outside for about half an hour, and it took 10 minutes to strip it all off afterwards. The whole adventure felt like a lot more than an hour, though!
The girls were pretty much immobilized by their winterwear, even in the living room. From the inside out, Nora's wearing: undies, socks, babylegs, tshirt, long sleeve shirt, sweatpants, bib snowpants, parka, snowboots, gloves, mittens, and a hat. Josie's in: diaper, tshirt, babylegs, socks, long sleeve onesie, fleece overalls, shearling lined soft sole boots, snowsuit, bootie things that attach to the snowsuit, mittens, and a hat.

Neither of them really got the concept of playing with the snow, and it is really powdery and not good snowman snow, but they were happy once I brushed off the slide and swings and they could use those. It was lots of fun - maybe once all the outwear has dried off, we'll venture out again this afternoon!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Pumpkintown USA

Back in October, we made our annual trip to Pumpkintown.


Nora the dinosaur and Josie the kangaroo went trick or treating at both of our neighbor's houses. It was a epic journey! :)


Josie discovers the bin of (clean!) cleaning rags.

The difference 18 months makes....

...When you're having blueberry oatmeal for breakfast: