A Day in the Life

The Adventures of Nora and Josie (and their parents)

Friday, October 10, 2008

Indian Summer

It was a gorgeous, warm fall day today. The girls and I enjoyed a picnic lunch outside, followed by riding bikes in the driveway and playing on the new (to us!) swingset. Lots of fun!

You can see that Nora selects both of their outfits nearly every day, and often wants to match. Today they were both wearing pink dresses and stripey tights (for Nora) and babylegs (for Josie). Pretty cute, these girls!

The rule at our house is that you need to wear a helmet for anything pedal-powered, but not for foot-powered things. So don't worry, Josie's not breaking any rules here by "riding her bike" without a helmet!

We are going to put wood chips down under the playset, but haven't yet, so it's a bit of a dusty play place right now. All the more fun when you get to take a bath afterwards!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Yaaay, Josie!

Josie graduated from Birth to Three (Connecticut's Early Intervention-type program) yesterday! Her physical therapist has no more concerns about her development, she's built up lots of strength in her core muscles, and she's meeting all of her gross motor and physical milestones right on target. She's cruising easily, walking while holding hands, and standing on her own! Pretty impressive for only six months of physical therapy and a baby who wasn't even bearing weight on her arms when on her tummy at 7 months.

To celebrate, last night I made Josie's favorite dinner (risotto and swiss chard) and maple cupcakes for dessert. (Thank you again, Abby and Sara, for the Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World cookbook! It's AMAZING!) The girls and I had the last couple of cupcakes for afternoon snack today, and I actually managed to take pictures. Nora picked out both of their outfits today - can you tell?! :)

Wawee Hog!

Posing with Wally the Frog, just like last year and the year before. You can see that someone gave him a fresh coat of paint this summer, but they forgot his nose!