Kissips Tee!
We got a tree from a farmstand this year for the first time, as both girls and Aaron have been pretty sick, and we didn't want them wandering around in the woods all afternoon to harvest one ourselves behind Meme's house, as we usually do. It's a lovely tree all the same, even if it's a lot more traditional than I'm used too. Apparently they don't sell wispy Charlie Brown white pines at tree farms! Who knew?!
The girls were very excited to bring it in the house - Josie did a dance, and Nora put a dish towel in it to be a bird's nest.

We got the tree a week ago, and set it up the same day. It's still undecorated, but the Kissips Elffs came one night after the girls were asleep and left Kissips lights on it, which are a big hit. Hopefully those elves will get to the decorating one of these nights soon, otherwise it's going to be a lit but undecorated tree on Christmas!
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