A Day in the Life

The Adventures of Nora and Josie (and their parents)

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Giving Thanks

A little late here, but we had a lovely Thanksgiving at Nana and Babchi's house last week. Mama and Daddy have both had lingering colds ever since, so that's why we've been a little lax on posting new pictures! We're both feeling better, although Mama has absolutely no voice today, which makes singing songs to Nora at library story time a little tough. Luckily Nora didn't get sick at all, despite her malingering parents!

Nora enjoying her Thanksgiving meal of applesauce and bananas. While she was eating this meal, we discovered that she had just cut two more teeth, doubling her total! Now she has the upper two outside middles as well as the bottom two inside middles.
Hanging out with Aunt Abby.
Hanging out with Aunt Sara.

It was so much fun to see everyone! Nora's already excited for Christmas, when she will get to spend time with the other side of her extended family too.

Monday, November 20, 2006

A girl and her dog

Nora's blanket was taking up some of the sunny space on the living room rug this morning, and Mica wanted in on the action. He laid down right next to the blanket so that he could be in the sun, but it meant that he was within kicking distance! Nora is totally fascinated by him, and loves to pet him. He is most enamoured of her when she's flinging sweet potatoes his way, but he was pretty into the back "scratch" he got from her feet this morning too. Once Nora figured out that he was over there, she rolled and twisted around until she could grab him. So cute!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Dancing Queen

Nora dances with Daddy! Yes, she sounds like a wounded teradactyl, but that's her laughing. Really, it is. Good times all around.

Mobile Baby Visits Turkeys

Bet that headline got your attention, didn't it? :)

Nora is all of a sudden mobile! She's been flipping over now and then for a couple of months now, but has suddenly discovered that rolling can get her where she wants to go. She's making full use of the new knowledge! No longer can we just leave her on her blanket on the rug for a little while - as evidenced by this picture taken after I left her alone for less than a minute while I went to the bathroom. You can see that she's about 6 feet away from the middle of the blanket where I left her, off the rug onto the hardwood floor, and doing her best to chew on the shoelaces of Daddy's boots. Um, yummy? And yes, I'm such a good mother that I took a picture of the scene before taking the shoelaces out of her mouth. Oh well.

Today we visited a local farm that featured a turkey "petting zoo" - really more of a viewing area, since turkeys aren't particularly amenable to being petted. There were also chickens and a goose in the enclosure, and Nora was fascinated by all of them, watching them waddle around and turning to see who had just made that gobble or honk. Very cute. We didn't take any pictures of our feathered friends, but here are a couple of Nora and Mama enjoying the lovely fall weather.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Stripey baby

Nora's six month well-baby visit was this week, and she passed with flying colors as usual. She's still over the 100th percentile (how is that possible?!?) for length, weight, and head size - she clocks in at 20 lbs 7 oz and 27.75 inches, and her head is 44 cm. Big, healthy girl! She was sick last week, with double ear infections that caused conjunctivitis in both of her eyes, but after a stint of antibiotics she's all better now.

Nora is sleeping in her own room in her crib now, although the cosleeper is still attached to Mama and Daddy's bed just in case (and because it's a fun place to play while Mama is making the bed or folding laundry). She even slept through the night for the first time in her life the other night! Usually we have 1 or 2 wakeups a night, which is just fine with us. We had been used to waking up 8-10 times a night, so this is downright luxurious! And maybe she'll keep up the sleeping through... But I'm not holding my breath!

Sunday, November 12, 2006

More solids...

Some more pictures of this morning's sweet potato adventure:

All ready to try this out. Notice how clean that bib is! Not for long...

Hm, different.

It tastes better when I do it myself!

Who needs spoons?!

Actually, just give me that bowl. I'll do this myself.

We'll have more sweet potatoes for the next few days, then try something new. Carrots? Applesauce? Squash? Bananas? Rice cereal? So many choices! We can't wait to try everything.

A sweet potato celebration!

Nora's half birthday is today! Yup, she's already six months old. We can't believe it ourselves! In celebration Nora tried "solid" food for the first time this morning. Her reaction to the soupy puree of sweet potatoes and breastmilk was pretty entertaining, as you can see...

Friday, November 10, 2006


Nora's Nana made her another pair of overalls! They are sooooooooo soft and cozy, and they have stars on the knees! Thank you so much, Nana!

See what we have to go through every morning? Nora has more pairs of shoes in active rotation than Mama does! Thank you so much to Emma and her mommy and daddy for the strawberries, to Mem and Grandpa for the moccasins, to Emma again for the handmedown cherries, and to Nana and Babchi for the hippos! How to choose... Nora finds them all equally delicious!

Bouncy girl!

Nora is feeling much better already, thank goodness! The antibiotics kicked in quickly, and she's definitely not in as much pain. To prove it, here's a video of her bouncing and chattering in her exersaucer this morning. The morning sunlight coming in through the kitchen door was really bright, so the video is a little washed out, but still cute, I promise!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Sick baby.

Lots going on here lately! Right now Nora is sick. :( Poor baby has two ear infections which caused conjunctivitis in both her eyes - she's on antibiotics and doesn't seem too bothered, but it's so sad to see her sick. We're stuck at home today, but as soon as she's been on the antibiotics for 24 hrs she won't be contagious anymore so we can resume our regular schedule of fun times.

In the meantime, here are some pictures to enjoy!

Nora modeling her cozy new fleece cape that Mama made for her. (And the cute pink mocassins that Mem and Grandpa got her.)

Playgroup on Tuesday, with Nora's friends Luke (on his tummy) and Ziggy (on his back).

Voting was so exciting that Nora slept all the way back from the polling station!