Giving Thanks
A little late here, but we had a lovely Thanksgiving at Nana and Babchi's house last week. Mama and Daddy have both had lingering colds ever since, so that's why we've been a little lax on posting new pictures! We're both feeling better, although Mama has absolutely no voice today, which makes singing songs to Nora at library story time a little tough. Luckily Nora didn't get sick at all, despite her malingering parents!
Nora enjoying her Thanksgiving meal of applesauce and bananas. While she was eating this meal, we discovered that she had just cut two more teeth, doubling her total! Now she has the upper two outside middles as well as the bottom two inside middles.

It was so much fun to see everyone! Nora's already excited for Christmas, when she will get to spend time with the other side of her extended family too.