Mobile Baby Visits Turkeys
Bet that headline got your attention, didn't it? :)
Nora is all of a sudden mobile! She's been flipping over now and then for a couple of months now, but has suddenly discovered that rolling can get her where she wants to go. She's making full use of the new knowledge! No longer can we just leave her on her blanket on the rug for a little while - as evidenced by this picture taken after I left her alone for less than a minute while I went to the bathroom. You can see that she's about 6 feet away from the middle of the blanket where I left her, off the rug onto the hardwood floor, and doing her best to chew on the shoelaces of Daddy's boots. Um, yummy? And yes, I'm such a good mother that I took a picture of the scene before taking the shoelaces out of her mouth. Oh well.

Today we visited a local farm that featured a turkey "petting zoo" - really more of a viewing area, since turkeys aren't particularly amenable to being petted. There were also chickens and a goose in the enclosure, and Nora was fascinated by all of them, watching them waddle around and turning to see who had just made that gobble or honk. Very cute. We didn't take any pictures of our feathered friends, but here are a couple of Nora and Mama enjoying the lovely fall weather.

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