Birthday Girls!

We all went out for mexican food to celebrate Mama's 28th birthday (and Nora's 7 week birthday) last night. It was lovely! Nora fell asleep in her wrap just before we were seated, and slept until she got into her carseat after dinner. She's good at eating out!
Earlier in the week, Nora and Mama went to Mattapoisett to visit Nana and Babchi. We managed to pick the only sunny day, and had a great time. Nora got to see the ocean for the first time! (Well, Mattapoisett Harbor anyway. The closest to the ocean she's gotten so far...) Nana took some cute pictures of Nora:

Nora had a couple of nice naps in Mattapoisett, which she liked better than napping at home for two reasons: (a) she doesn't have a huge skylight to watch clouds from over her crib, and (b) Nana built her a big pillow fort (no, Nora isn't mobile at all yet, no rolling or any other sort of moving...)! Good Times were had by all.

This weekend she'll be a little closer to the ocean - when Daddy gets home from work today, we're headed up to Maine for a long holiday weekend at Brightwater. Nora will get to experience the New Meadows River and live in a cabin with no running water for four days! We're all looking forward to the adventure (if not so much the drive...). Ok, mama has to go pack now so we can actually leave tonight!