Changling Child
Nora has suddenly discovered the joy of solo sleep! She's been napping in her crib by herself (yeah, we don't get in the crib with her) all week. I'm guessing that the hot, humid weather is a factor in this development - she gets pretty sweaty lying on one of us, and the sheet in her crib is nice and cool, and there's a ceiling fan in her room too. The lap of luxury! In addition, she's spent the last two nights sleeping in her cosleeper, which is a little crib attached to mama's side of the bed, instead of sleeping in with us. I don't think the heat has as much to do with that, since it's still pretty cool at night here. Maybe she got used to being alone from the crib naps(she's still all of 18" from mama in the cosleeper), or maybe she's just growing up a little. And, she slept for four hours last night and four and a half hours the night before! We don't know who this new baby is or where she came from, but she's just as cute as our Nora so we're keeping her. :)

Some funny faces that we see every day:

Nora's last bit of news is that her umbilical cord stump finally fell off yesterday, on her 6 week birthday. She was, ahem, pretty attached to that. (Yes, I crack myself up.) Some babies just hang onto their cords longer than others... She's got a super cute little innie belly button now!
Hooray for belly buttons!!!
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