First Day of Summer!
The weather is hot and gorgeous! Too hot for daddy, but mama is happy... Nora deals with the heat by sleeping a lot (to conserve her energy) and nursing a lot (to stay hydrated). If you're really really interested in how Nora spends her days, check out her baby tracker website: I'm not going to pay for an account there, so it'll only be active for another 12 days (it's a 2 week free trial) or until I lose interest in entering every single thing Nora does, which ever comes sooner. For the time being, though, it appeals to my list-making and organizational (Aa would call it compulsive...) tendencies. :)
We had a lovely Father's Day on Sunday - Nora gave her daddy a board book called My Daddy Loves Me, and then the two of them celebrated by napping most of the day. We attended a high school graduation party for one of Aa's cousins-by-marriage in the evening, and happened to sit at a table with my midwife! It was a funny coincidence.
Nora's Mem and Grandpa stopped by one night last week to see their granddaughter:

And daddy is discovering more uses for the Boppy pillow every day. It's no longer just a nursing pillow and a baby lounging area...

Happy Summer Solstice to all!
Love the pictures, but "trixietracker" is way too much information!!!! how in the world do you find time to do that kind of detail? Yikes! how does it work? How does it know she is currently asleep? You don't have a sensor or a webcam on our grandaughter do you? sensing what is happening in her diaper? I've never seen anything like it. I'm with Aa on this one.
Love you all,
Yeah, I just have her wired up 24/7. Nooo, it's really simple, I just leave the website up on my computer, and there's a button to click when she falls asleep, when she wakes up, when I change a diaper, etc. I wouldn't even attempt to keep track of any of it if it were any more complicated than that! But I like seeing the patterns from day to day. And like I said, I'm a little anal like that... :)
Wow. That is crazy useful.
I mean, next time someone asks "how's your niece?" I can have an educated response!
Such as "well, it seems that she prefers the left breast (104 minutes vs. 85 on the right)."
AWESOME. Thanks for keeping me in the loop there, Sarah Glor.
As I said, "Way too much information!" . But I guess some of you are into this sort of extreme documantation. I suppose my friends will just have to leave with more general answers to "how is your granddaughter?"
And think of all the precise information you will have for the doctor when she asks simple questions like, "How is nursing going?"
Love you
oh no. I can't seem to get into trixie I need a password?
Ah, see, you do want to know! Ha! Try logging in with username guest and password brassard. I made it password protected because you were all mocking me...
And my pediatrician doesn't just ask, "How's nursing going?" She asks how often, how long on each side, how long total... Everything that the trixietracker keepes track of!
Anyway, like I said, I'm only going to do it for the free trial period. It's not like I would pay for it. I still think it's cool, though. :)
yes, it's cool. but still over the top
Nice to see Nora with her Mem and Grandpa! Great website!
Love and Kisses,
Auntie Kathleen
Hi Kathleen!
Thank you again for the moose. I love it! I'm headed to Maine for the holiday weekend, so maybe I'll see a real moose too. :)
Love, Nora
Be sure to bring along your netting and bug spray---the bugs are killer this year! We don't want a holy baby, lol!
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