Nora is what they call a "high needs baby" - that means she wants to be held all the time, usually even while she's sleeping. She's really calm and happy most of the time, so long as she's being held or carried in the sling or wrap, close to one of her parents. And it's not too surprising, considering that she was cradled snug and tight inside her mama's belly for the last 9+ months, that she isn't too impressed with the idea of being set down along now. It doesn't bother us at all, either, because she's so cute and little and perfect and we're so taken with her that we don't really want to put her down, anyway!
This is Nora's favorite place to sleep, and we usually have her like this on one of us for most of the evening, before we go to bed. It's the most amazing thing in the world to have her all curled up asleep on your chest.

Right now, though, she's taking a nap in her crib, and she's been sleeping peacefully for nearly 45 minutes on her own in there! If this is the beginning of a trend, Mama might be able to start getting some things done during the day, like laundry and cooking dinner, or even eating lunch! We'll see if it's a one-time event or if it continues tomorrow...

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