A Day in the Life

The Adventures of Nora and Josie (and their parents)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Lots of pictures

Here are lots of pictures from the last week or so!
Mama and Nora, wearing our matching slings (both sans bebe).
Josie hanging out and modeling her first BabyLegs.
We've found a new way to save money on laundry - vacuum the kids clean! ;)
Nora is thrilled to be wearing Daddy's work hat and glove.
Nora shares another of Daddy's hats with her friend Ziggy.
Josie nursing. We call this her "angry tortuga" face because she looks like a crabby little old turtle.
Whee! Going for a bike ride.
I just adore this picture.
Pretty much all of my pictures of Josie are of her in the Boppy, because that's the only place she'll tolerate being out of someone's arms. She's not a big fan of the swing or the bouncy seat yet.
Hi Mama! (Josie style.)
Nora gives Daddy a kiss.
Hi Mama! (Nora style.)
Doing the Hokey-Pokey, Nora's new favorite song and dance.
Baby Doll in Nora's sling.
Josie in Mama's sling (and an attempt at self-portraiture).
Snuggling down in the Boppy.
Nora eating, I mean kissing, Josie.
My girls have big eyes!
Nora, thrilled that the camera's out. Her sign for camera is always accompanied by this expression.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Nora adores her baby sister. I think Josie has gotten more kisses from Nora in her first week of life than from everyone else put together! It's wonderful.
It's hard to see in this picture, but Nora's wearing one of her dolls, Lovey, in her fleece sling that matches the one Mama wears Josie in.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Welcome to the World, Baby Josie!

We're thrilled to announce the arrival of Josefina True Blachly Brassard! Josie was born on Tuesday, October 30, at 5:41 pm. She weighed 9 lbs, 1 oz, and was 20.5 inches long - exactly a pound and a half and two inches smaller than Nora was at birth. For a "big" baby, she seems like a wee little pixie to us! Mama and Josie came home from the hospital on Thursday to a very happy big sister Nora and her daddy. We're all doing well and enjoying Daddy's time off from work as a family together.

Mama and Josie, 2 hrs old.Josie started nursing within about five minutes of birth!

Celebrating Halloween, one day old. Mama and her girls, headed home.