A Day in the Life

The Adventures of Nora and Josie (and their parents)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

My, how you've grown!

I set Nora's carseat to be more upright today, as she was starting to strain to hold her head up during the entire trip when we're in the car lately. I took a picture when it was done - the comparison to her newborn first ride in the car, home from the hospital, is quite startling!

Nora, 1 day old.

Nora, 4 months old.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Apple Picking!

We had a fun trip to an apple orchard on Saturday, and Nora got to pick some apples and peaches for the first time!

She even tried a little peach juice from Mama's finger, and that rated a funny face--this isn't nursies!--and then a big smile. We'll be waiting until she's six months old to start feeding her solid foods, but now that she's four months it's ok to give her a little (like a finger dipped in juice little!) taste of something new every now and then.
Nora and the Giant Peach
"Driving" the tractor at the orchard.

And in other weekend events....

When Nora's hungry, anything will do - even Daddy's nose!
This is what we see when she's overdue for a nap or bedtime... Little hands scrubbing the eyes on sad sleepy baby faces.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Big, Brave, Strong Girl!

Nora's four month well-baby visit to the pediatrician was this morning (she turned 4 months old yesterday). She's still at the top of the growth charts (ok, just beyond the top) at 17 lbs 12 oz and 26", but she's growing on her curves and is very healthy and perfectly proportional as to her weight and length. She's doing great, meeting all of her developmental milestones right on target, and is very healthy. The vaccination schedule called for three more shots today, and she was a trooper, with just two little squawks (she didn't even seem to notice the first needle!) and minimal crying afterwards. She fussed a bit in her carseat on the way home, but fell asleep soon afterwards. Hopefully she'll sleep it off and go back to her usual happy self!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Fun Sunday!

Nora had a fun, busy day yesterday! First, we went to visit Nana and Babchi in Mattapoisett. Nana's camera battery was nearly dead, but we got a couple of photos of Nora and Mama.

Then we went to visit Mem and Grandpa in Brooklyn, where Daddy was doing some work in their yard with a big backhoe. Clearly a perfect opportunity for a photo shoot!

While we were there, Mama took the opportunity to get a bunch of older Nora pictures downloaded from Mem's camera onto our laptop. I'm having trouble uploading them right now, but I'll be sure to post a few of them soon!

Friday, September 08, 2006

The Other Baby....

Nora and I were playing outside on the deck this morning, and I remembered a mirror that we'd received as a gift a few months ago. It was a big hit in several ways!

Wait, where'd that other baby come from???

Mama, she's still here! It's my blanket!!

Oh, so long as you're here too, it's ok.

Ooooh, a purple bird!!!!!


Man, all this modeling and bird-eating is hard work. Perhaps it's time for a nap...

And a couple of other pictures from this week:

Nora slept later than I did for a change this morning! We were reading stories in Mama and Daddy's bed after she got up at her usual time of 7am, and I looked over to see that she'd fallen back to sleep.

Nora modeling her new stripy socks yesterday. I was on a quest to find something that would keep her legs warm under a dress, since she has so many lovely hand-me-down dresses from Elise and Emma and Ruby and the weather is getting cooler. We have a few pairs of tights, but they're not much fun to wrangle off and on again every time her diaper needs changing! The solution is big-girl kneesocks - they come up to Nora's thighs, don't have to come off to change her dipe, and are super stripy to boot.