A Day in the Life

The Adventures of Nora and Josie (and their parents)

Friday, September 08, 2006

The Other Baby....

Nora and I were playing outside on the deck this morning, and I remembered a mirror that we'd received as a gift a few months ago. It was a big hit in several ways!

Wait, where'd that other baby come from???

Mama, she's still here! It's my blanket!!

Oh, so long as you're here too, it's ok.

Ooooh, a purple bird!!!!!


Man, all this modeling and bird-eating is hard work. Perhaps it's time for a nap...

And a couple of other pictures from this week:

Nora slept later than I did for a change this morning! We were reading stories in Mama and Daddy's bed after she got up at her usual time of 7am, and I looked over to see that she'd fallen back to sleep.

Nora modeling her new stripy socks yesterday. I was on a quest to find something that would keep her legs warm under a dress, since she has so many lovely hand-me-down dresses from Elise and Emma and Ruby and the weather is getting cooler. We have a few pairs of tights, but they're not much fun to wrangle off and on again every time her diaper needs changing! The solution is big-girl kneesocks - they come up to Nora's thighs, don't have to come off to change her dipe, and are super stripy to boot.


Blogger Sarah and Jack said...

The socks are oh so cute! and the sleepy baby photo is oh so sweet...

9/9/06 19:12  
Blogger Kathleen KC1930) said...

Ms. Nora is getting used to having her picture taken--you have a ham in the making!Mamma is SO smart to figure a way to keep baby's legs warm without all the work--kudos!

Love & Kisses,

Auntie Kathleen

9/9/06 19:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also adore those smart purple socks! Nora looks so cute in them I may have to find a pair for my own little person :)

10/9/06 18:52  
Blogger John said...

I love those socks! Where did you get them?

19/9/06 08:25  
Blogger sarah said...

They're from Old Navy. They don't seem to have the stripey ones on the website anymore, but they're still in the stores here, anyway.

19/9/06 08:31  

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