A Day in the Life

The Adventures of Nora and Josie (and their parents)

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Up and Over

In celebration of her three month birthday on Saturday, Nora rolled over! Well, she flipped from back to front, to her left, anyway. She did it once with encouragement on a slight incline, then repeated the performance about 20 times all over the place - on a flat quilt outside, on our bed, in her crib... She hasn't shown any inclination to try it some more since then, though, but we'll keep you updated.

Sorry for the lack of new pictures lately! People have been giving me a hard time about it. :) For some reason we just haven't been breaking out the camera as often as usual the last few weeks. Not a very good excuse, I know. I promise to post a few of the pics that we do have as soon as I, um, find the camera. Maybe Aa took it to work.


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