A Day in the Life

The Adventures of Nora and Josie (and their parents)

Saturday, August 05, 2006

Gillette Castle

We had a fun family afternoon at Gillette Castle today, featuring lots of hiking around, gorgeous views of the Connecticut River, and admiring of the elaborate stonework and gardens everywhere (guess who that was! Hint: Nora is not so into rocks. Or flowers.). Nora spent most of the outing napping in her new baby carrier that Mama made last week - look how pretty it is! Aaron and aunt Abby are trying to convince me that I should start making these to sell. What do you think? Would you buy one for someone you know with a baby?

Nora is sleeping in the first three pictures, that's why her head is so deep inside the carrier. When she's awake, we put it on so she's higher up and can see around!
Babywearing isn't just for Mama! Daddy wears Nora in all of her carriers/wraps/sling too. A kitty hanging out atop one of the many stone bridges. Apparently Gillette was really into cats and had as many as 15 at a time, plus all the carved ones all around the castle and grounds.
Nursing Nora in her carrier while looking at the goldfish pond. This picture is in honor of World Breastfeeding Week!


Blogger sarah said...

I just have to add that I am, in fact, wearing a shirt in those pictures! It's a black tank top, so it kind of blends in with the baby carrier, but I am clothed. Just because I know you were worried.

6/8/06 10:22  
Blogger Amy Carpenter said...

I too love the MT. I've been using mine instead of the hotsling lately b/c I threw my back out and it has the best weight distribution of all my carriers.

6/8/06 19:03  
Blogger John said...

Hey, is that a Mei Tei? Do you like it?

6/8/06 19:13  
Blogger John said...

Oh and PM me at ADL with your address - the prizes are already bought and sitting on my coffee table at home!

6/8/06 19:18  
Blogger Abby said...

you should make tons and sell them! also you should probably make pretty skirts so those of us sans bebe can wear sarah creations too...

6/8/06 19:48  
Blogger AndrĂ©e said...

nice job on the carrier, reminds me very much of the one I carried you in. Sure, go for it... sell them!

6/8/06 21:20  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You sewed that? It's beautiful!

7/8/06 09:40  

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