Nora's Maine vacation, part 2
For the first part of Nora's vacation, check out the previous post. I can't seem to reverse the order!
Nora was a little uncertain when a cold wave washed over her feet at the beach, but she seemed to like the new sensation of wet sand under her toes. She even got used to the little splashes! It wasn't warm enough for her to go all the way into the water, so we stuck to wet feet for her. It was really warm (for the Atlantic in Maine in July) though, and mama and daddy took turns swimming.

Of course, Nora had to meet Wally the Frog on the way out to Brightwater.

Vacation was so exhausting that Nora slept nearly the whole way home!

We all had a fabulous time, and we can't wait for the next Maine vacation. Not to worry - we're headed north again in about 3 weeks. And hopefully we'll be joined for a weekend by Nora's Aunties, Abby, Sara, and Emily, and her Uncle Ben! Yay!
Oh my goodness!!!! I can't believe how fast you are growing and changing sweet Nora! The smiling/ swaddled picture is so cute it made me cry. Look at you standing on the beach. I love the pod. Seems like you are better equiped than your Mama when she first started going to Brightwater, but no matter, she loved it anyway. When you are a little older she will tell you about the night the mosquitos were so bad we piled in the car after midnight, and drove to LLBean, open 24/7. We bought a tent, not unlike your pod, but bigger and designed for 4 adults or a bunch of kids with 1 or 2 adults, and set it up right in the middle of the cabin, so we could sleep!
love you!
hooray for the next generation of pictures with wally! (i feel old.)
Glad Ms. Nora enjoyed her first taste of summer in Maine. Did she run into any moose?
I can't believe how much she grew up in such a short time! Apparently, the fresh air and sunshine here had a positive effect on her. Nothing like Maine in the summer!
Love & Kisses,
Auntie Kathleen
P.S. Please send my love to Mem and Grandpa Michael!
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