A Day in the Life
The Adventures of Nora and Josie (and their parents)
Monday, June 09, 2008
Mmm, celery!
So far Josie's explorations into solid food have had mixed reactions. She's not a big fan of soft, mushy foods, or anything on a spoon. So banana, sweet potato chunks, and rice cereal have not been particularly popular, although she does like to play with banana and sweet potato with her hands, so long as they don't get near her mouth. Sticks that she can gum/gnaw/suck, though, are very popular. So far, she likes carrots, celery, and asparagus in that form. She's not actually getting much, if anything at all, into her stomach, but food is just for playing and learning until a baby is one, anyway. She's definitely learning about different textures and flavors right now!
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Josie in May
Just a few Josie updates, since I don't have a baby book...
First tooth, bottom left: May 19th, lunchtime. Second tooth, bottom right: May 19th, evening. First solid food, banana: May 23. Rolls from back to front (easily and regularly): May 15. Rolls from front to back (occasionally, or with help): May 31.
She's still not sitting up or pushing up on hands and knees, and has recently started getting physical therapy for her mildly low muscle tone. Her PT is pretty great - she showed us some tricks for helping Josie roll front to back, and she was doing it herself only two days later! (Well, Josie's pretty great herself, too!)
Oh, and I should add that she's actually really mobile the last week or so! She's really got the hang of pivoting on her belly, and has just started scootching backwards as well. We've found her most of the way under the couch more than once lately!
The rest of May!
We went to Boston to visit Aunt Abby and Aunt Sara, and rode on a city bus. Given Nora's transportation-obsession, I expected it to be a big hit! Instead, of course, it was pretty much terrifying. Maybe next year.
When Josie turned 7 months old, it occured to us that we really should give her something to eat other than nursies. Here's her first foray into the wonderful world of solid food!
Ok, I'm ready for whatever you've got!
Hm, a banana is a pretty cool, squishy toy!I'll try putting it in my mouth, I guess...
Aggghh! Disgusting! Why would you do that to me????
Nora called to me from the living room the other morning that she was eating ice cream. Curious, since I don't usually dole out ice cream for morning snack, I investigated. Her apple fit perfectly in a yellow funnel she found, and the whole shebang did look remarkably like an ice cream cone!
My girls, hanging out.
My girls, hanging out.
Happy Birthday, Nora!!
Nora had a wonderful birthday party (and now she is Oh So Two). We didn't get many pictures - too busy having fun - but Nana did pick up my camera for a while as Nora opened her gifts.
Finally getting the hang of a party blower thingy from Emma.
Look, Ma! Baby, hands free! (Yeah, I'm not sure what I was doing here!)
Nora, in awe at the first sight of her inchworm.
Emma and Daddy watch as Sammy helps Nora open a set of cooking tub toys.
Sammy, Daddy, Nora, and Taylor.
Oh, and Nora's friend Savannah's mama took a few more pictures, and posted them on her blog.
Backing up a few months...
Yeah, yeah, yeah, these are from April. What of it?
Josie fell asleep on the changing table.
One of those not quite warm, but gorgeous and sunny spring days!
This is actually a different day, several weeks later, despite the fact that Nora's wearing the same outfit! She really likes those overalls that Nana made her...
And the same overalls again, on yet another day!
(I just noticed that she's wearing those same overalls in the newspaper photo from Mother's Day, in the post below, too!)