A Day in the Life

The Adventures of Nora and Josie (and their parents)

Monday, April 23, 2007

Baby food

A bunch of people have asked me lately what Nora eats, now that she's a big girl. Since she never really ate baby food (either jarred baby food or homemade purees), she's been eating big people food for a long time now. But here's what she had today - it was pretty typical.

  • ~1/2 cup peach yogurt (plain full-fat yogurt mixed with pureed peaches that we picked and froze last summer, and a dash of cinnamon)
  • 2 mini carrot muffins
  • a ripe pear, sliced but not peeled

Lunch (a picnic at the park with three friends and their mamas!):

  • 1/4 of a whole wheat bagel
  • ~1/2 an avocado, chunked up
  • ~2 oz sharp cheddar cheese, cut into fingers
  • close to half a cantaloupe, chunked up. Mama stole a few bites, but Nora ate most of it!


  • another 1/4 whole wheat bagel


She drank about 12 oz of water throughout the day, and nursed twice, and also drank about 3 oz of pumped breastmilk. She's a great eater - she rarely rejects anything outright, though she does have definite preferences, and she loves vegetables and fruit. Hopefully she doesn't get too picky as she gets older!

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Mem and Grandpa came by with a fabulous gift for Nora this afternoon - a climbing cube, complete with slide! We put it together in the yard, and Nora explored. We're the third lucky family to enjoy this, so it's getting plenty of use! Nora's wearing a shirt that used to be Mama's today. We like the retro look!

Peeking at Grandpa.

Nora through the window.


You can see one of Nora's shiny new bottom molars in this picture, if you look closely.

Not super sure about the slide - we think she'll like it better with more practice!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Hurray for Spring!

It was sunny and in the sixties yesterday (and the same is forecast for the next few days), Nora has two new sunhats, it's warm enough to dry dipes and other laundry on the line, we harve a playdate planned at the park for Monday, and Nora has another new tooth (making 11 total). Life is good!

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Easter, and movies!

We had a lovely Easter morning at home, and then went to Mem and Grandpa's house for dinner with Daddy's extended family. It was lots of fun! I don't have any pictures from the dinner, but I know that Mem and cousin Alex both took a bunch, so if any get emailed to me I'll be sure to post them...

Nora opening her Easter present from Nana and Babchi.
She loved the googly-eye froggy card!
Wow, the Easter bunny brough Nora lots of fun things! Her baskets are filled with real grass, grown as per Mama's family traditions.
Um, the quacking duck is a little disturbing.
Nora and Daddy share an early morning story.

Here are several videos of Nora from the last week! I'm having trouble uploading them to this site, so these are links to Google Video. From any of these pages, if you click on "from user" on the right side of the screen, it will give you a list of all the Nora videos we've uploaded, if you're looking for a little nostalgic viewing from six months ago. :)

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Toddlerhood: The Early Days

So Nora's not walking on her own yet, but in all other regards she's certainly acting like a toddler! Proof: today some of her friends are coming over for a playdate. Nora was playing happily in the kitchen while I vacuumed the living room. I looked over to check on her, and she wasn't there anymore... She'd snuck through the living room behind me, down the hall, and into the bathroom, where I found the classic toddler scene of carnage. Behold!

Then she came back into the living room and helped with the basket of clean laundry that I hadn't brought into her room yet. (I can see a little thought bubble above Mica's head here saying, "It wasn't me... It wasn't me... It wasn't me...")
Clearly, she feels no regrets about any of this mess!

Monday, April 02, 2007

Pants and dipes and messy heads!

Some of you may have noticed that Nora rarely wears pants, and when she does, they're leggings or other very stretchy pants, not jeans. Partly that's just because I like the way overalls and dresses look on babies, but also it's because of her diapers! Most structured baby pants just aren't cut to allow bulky cloth diapers, since disposables are much trimmer. For an idea of just how bulky we're talking, here are a couple of pictures of Nora playing with her new block activity table the other morning.

And here is a picture of her wearing jeans anyway. :) She actually does pretty well in pants one size up from the rest of her clothes, which means these are 2T jeans already. Note the rolled cuffs!

Nora has a new trick - she knows the answer to the question, "How big is Nora?" It's, "Sooooooo Big!" of course! She puts her hands up in the air all the time and keeps them there until we say it back to her. And she does it in response to the question too! It's very cute. And, as you can see, results in a messy head when done during a meal!
Who, me? Bagel on my head? Not a problem!