A Day in the Life
The Adventures of Nora and Josie (and their parents)
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Bad parents
Yeah, we hardly ever take pictures anymore and never post them when we do. Too busy living life or something! In recent news: Nora decided she's a big girl who uses the potty! She asked for undies one morning when she woke up a few weeks ago, and hasn't looked back. She wears undies all day long, and a diaper for nighttime. Doing one baby's worth of diaper laundry feels like a vacation! She prefers to use the big toilet to the little potty, which makes the whole thing even easier for us. Yay for potty learning!
Josie's had a big month as well. Between 9 months and 9.5 months, she started crawling, pulling up to standing, saying Mama and Dadda, waving, clapping, giving high fives, giving kisses, and signing more, milk, and all done. She's working on another couple of teeth in her spare time these days. Whew! I don't know how she fits it all in.
Josie's 9 month well-baby visit was this week (she'll be 10 months on Saturday, but that's how doctor's office scheduling seems to work). She weighed in at 28.25" (65th%) and 19lb 10oz (50th%). I'm entertained that she's so "average" sized, since people can't get over her adorable little chub rolls, and we get comments all the time about how big she is. She's developing perfectly, and is happy and healthy.
Here are some pictures from mid-July: