Summer fun
Nora and I had a fun playdate at Luke's house yesterday. The babies' new friend Sebastian was there too, but he was napping in his stroller while Nora and Luke played, so he's not in these pictures.
Nora really likes Luke's little playhouse. Her favorite thing to do is to open the door, go in, close the door, wave, open the door, go out, close the door.....
Nora and Luke had a great time playing in the baby pool together! The sides are low enough that they can climb in and out easily by themselves, which makes for a lot of grass in the water, but they love it!
Nora also really enjoyed the cool Dr. Seuss-ian sprinkler. That water was COLD, straight from the hose, but she stood under it until her lips were shivering, loving the water coming down on her head.
Once her sunhat got wet, it was so droopy she could barely see! Luckily it was very warm yesterday, and her hat dried off immediately. We didn't even bring a towel to the playdate, and she was totally dry by the time I changed her out of her swimsuit for the ride home.
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