Big girl!
Nora's been going crazy with the learning new things lately! After starting to sign "more" on Monday, she's already extended the meaning to "more" of anything she wants, not just food - so now she uses it for more food, more stories read to her, more pushes on the swing, more toys please because I threw all the ones I had out of my carseat and I can't reach them... Yesterday, she said what sounded suspiciously like "bye bye," in the appropriate context, three times (and then no one else was leaving, so I couldn't get her to do it again!). Also yesterday, at story hour, she started standing on her own for long periods of time, like over a minute - much longer than she's stood without holding on ever before. Then, when we got home from the library, she stood up by herself in the middle of the floor without anything to pull up on! I think she was inspired by Caitlyn, a 14 month old girl at the library who was busy running around everywhere. I can't wait to see what Nora learns how to do today. :)
I took this picture because I was impressed she was doing such a good down dog (which we do in yoga class every week) on her own. Little did I know that this was actually the beginning of the standing on her own process! I was so flabbergasted that somehow I didn't take a picture of her standing up. The adorable strawberry dress she's wearing (though this may not be the most flattering angle to see just how cute it is) was another birthday gift from Alyssa and Dan.
But I got a picture of her when she stood up herself this morning! Doesn't she look proud of herself? I love her bedhead when she first wakes up.
In other news, Nora's 12 month well-baby pediatrician visit was earlier this week. As expected, she's healthy and happy, and doing great. She's only gained 1 lb in the last three months, dropping her weight to to the 85th percentile, but that's perfectly fine. She grew 2.5 inches in that same three months! She's still in the 95th percentile for both height and head size. She's definitely getting taller and leaner - a few months ago, we couldn't use the tray on her booster seat because it was too tight on her belly, but now it fits her fine again!
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