A Day in the Life

The Adventures of Nora and Josie (and their parents)

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Pictures and News

A long time since the last update here - sorry! But lots has been going on... Here are some cute pictures of Nora, of course, to start off.

Hanging out in her chair, getting ready for lunch.
Eating a cracker before lunch.
Here, I picked a dandelion for you!
It's really, really, really interesting.
Daddy just finished landscaping around the new stairs he built in the side yard.
There are rocks!! Hurray! Nora loves rocks.
I mean, she really loves rocks!

Before: getting ready for Nora's first real haircut. (I trimmed her bangs in February, but this is the whole thing.)
Before from the back: you can see all the long wisps making up the coveted baby mullet!
After: she's suddenly a toddler! (I evened up her bangs a little more after this picture.)
After from the back: no more mullet!
Nora likes both her new haircut and her supper.

In other exciting news, Nora and Mama have been taking an Itsy Bitsy Yoga class together for the last few weeks. A photographer from the local paper was there this morning, and there may be a story in the paper on Mother's Day this Sunday featuring the class! I hope some of the pictures he took of Nora get in the paper - she was having a really good time this morning, and looking super cute (as always).

Also exciting news is that we're getting ready for Nora's first birthday this coming Saturday. She's having a party with her family and friends - I'm sure lots of pictures will follow! She's also getting ready for a special Mother's Day on Sunday, which should be a bit more relaxing than Mother's Day last year, when we brought her home from the hospital.

And finally, the most exciting news of all is that Nora's going to be a big sister this fall! Her new baby sibling (we don't know yet if it's a boy or a girl, but we'll find out next month) is due on Halloween, so they'll have a space of just under a year and a half between them. We're all thrilled, and can't wait to meet the new baby!


Blogger Alexandra said...

Thanks so much for the congrats and right back at you - Halloween babies are so much fun! I love the pics of the dandelions. Katrina is picking them too. I can't believe that your will be celebrating her first birthday in a couple of days. What fun!

9/5/07 20:32  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice haircut, Nora! Hey, congrats on the new baby! Did I know that? There are so many new babies on the way that I'm losing track.
BTW, I was wondering where you live in CT. My mom's in East Haven, and I have one brother each in New Haven & Fairfield, respectively.
Happy Almost Birthday, Nora!
-Rebecca (rcinpdx)

10/5/07 14:47  
Blogger Carrie, Rich and the Kids said...

I love your blog Sarah! It was fun to look at "baby" pictures of Nora. By one month, I still see a lot of the same expressions she has now--just a bigger version of that adorable infant. We are so lucky to have our beautiful baby girls!

Carrie and Savannah

11/5/07 13:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The new haircut is wonderful! When Madeline was about the same age, she thought that woodchips tasted fab LOL!

12/5/07 22:01  

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