Nora loves to play outside! We've had some gorgeous days interspersed with some not-so-lovely ones lately, so we're making the most of the nice weather when we've got it. Here she is picking dandelions in her sporty new dandelion-colored shorts outfit, a birthday gift from Alyssa and Dan.

Crawling on grass feels so neat on your hands and feet! Right after this picture was taken, we got attacked by a swarm of gnat-like bugs, and Nora got a big bite on her forehead...

...As seen in this picture, where she's also modeling her new baseball cap from Savannah! (And her mouth is full of Cheerio's, which is why she has such a funny smile.) Poor baby - the red bump from the bug bite is still around today, six days after the bite. She has super sensitive skin.

In other exciting news, Nora did her first real sign yesterday! She signed "more" first thing in the morning when she wanted more nursies, and continued doing it throughout the day and today. She's doing a self-modified version (it looks like clapping with one open hand and one fist, basically), but it's very clear what she means, and that she knows what she means. She gets this big proud grin on her face and signs very deliberately until she gets whatever she wanted more of! So far, she's only using it for food, but that's when we model it the most, so that makes sense. She did it at all of her meals yesterday, and again today! I think she'll probably expand it to other uses as well, and I hope more signs follow soon! Now she can really talk to Aunt Emily!
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