Lots of news...
Lots has been going on in Nora's world lately! This morning, she got her second tooth this week, bringing her grand total up to six. She now has all four top middle teeth, and well as the center two bottom ones. She's also learned to grind them, which drives Mama crazy. Hopefully that habit is shortlived...
Even more exciting, we have a first word!!!! You guessed it - "Mama." In case you didn't suspect it, I'm thrilled. Thrilled enough that I popped out of bed to cuddle her every time she called me by name between 11:30 and 1:30 last night. She doesn't really use it yet when I'm right there, because why would you need to call Mama when she's already holding you? But if I'm in another room, or if Daddy is holding her but she wants nursies, "Mama, Mama, Mama," it is. Sometimes it comes out, "A-Mama," which is pretty cute too! Hopefully "Dada" will be next. :)
We had an exciting day last Sunday when we drove around and visited several people who haven't seen Nora in a while (or at all!). She had great fun unwrapping a Christmas gift from Jon and Wendee, and now thinks that all paper is there for her to tear and chew. We also visited Daddy's friend Andy, and met his lovely wife Mary. While we were at their house, Andy put some corn in the backyard to feed the deer, who quickly gathered. We held Nora up to the door to check out the twenty-three deer who were chowing down (I don't think I've ever seen that many wild deer in one place before - it was really neat)! Nora was totally fascinated, and responded by laughing, kicking, and pressing her face up against the glass to see better. It was adorable! I had been thinking that she's too young to enjoy something like the zoo, but maybe not... Here are some pictures that Mary took of Nora checking out the deer (and licking the window).

I'm thrilled that Nora asks for you by name :)
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