A Day in the Life

The Adventures of Nora and Josie (and their parents)

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Moments this week

Here are a few random moments from the past week. Nora and I are headed to Maine to visit friends for the weekend tomorrow, and Daddy will follow us Friday evening (depending on the weather - if there's a huge snowstorm and he has to plow a lot he may have to stay home). I'm sure we'll have fabulous baby pictures of the Winter Wonderland Weekend when we return!

Nora LOVES blueberries.

Some silly expressions playing on the floor.
Nora's latest excitement is taking things out of other things. Dumping stuff = Good Times. She'll entertain herself for a good few minutes if you load up a bunch of her cups with beads and blocks.

Baby's First Protest: in conjunction with the March for Peace in Washington last Saturday, smaller protests against the war were held at highway overpasses around the country. Nora's Nana and Babchi organized one, and we had a lot of fun getting cars to "Honk for Peace" (the wording on one of these banners - the other said "Make Sense Not War").
l-r: Aunt Sara, Mama, Nora, Aunt Abby, Babchi (Nana took the picture)
Playing with Nana's trolls after the protest. It pays to have a grandmother who's a preschool teacher!

Playing with Mem's zippers on Sunday.

Nora is taking swim classes this winter, thanks to a generous Christmas gift from Mem and Grandpa! Daddy came along on Monday to see what the fun was all about, and took some pictures. Nora's wearing a little baby wetsuit here - it keeps her nice and cozy in the water!
Nora practicing one of her first water skills - swimming with straight arms. Each mama throws out a little toy in front of their baby, and the baby "swims" over while reaching out for the toy. This teaches them to move through the water with their arms straight out in front of them. The other skills we've worked on so far are comfort in the water and getting ears wet, kicking, and floating on your back. We both really like the classes!


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