Yum, yum!
Despite the fact that Nora took to solids pretty well at first, she ended up refusing to eat anything but nursies for about 3 weeks around the holidays. After a while, we figured out that it wasn't so much the food that she didn't want, but the spoon - and the lack of control involved in someone else feeding her. She LOVES to feed herself, but won't let you get a spoon anywhere near her mouth! We're now pretty much exclusively letting her eat on her own, and giving her big "people sized" chunks of food. This method is called baby led weaning, and it's a theory of baby feeding that's becoming gradually popular in the US and is more common in Europe. The name comes from the idea of weaning onto solid foods, not so much weaning off of nursing - though that is the ultimate goal, it's not something we want for the near future. I kind of wish it had a different name because I don't like to think about weaning Nora yet, but whatever.
Nora enjoys an apple for lunch on Sunday.
And a banana for breakfast today!
Snuggling with Daddy post-meal is the best. :)
I have a certain fondness for photos of small babies eating large apples :)
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