Whew, this is turning out to be a busy summer! We've had something going on nearly every weekend since the weather turned warm, and there's no end to that in sight. Everything is lots of fun, but the cumulative effect is kind of exhausting! (Perhaps that also has something to do with being six months pregnant while chasing this toddler around...)
Nora tries to put on Daddy's safety glasses that got left on the floor on accident.

We went to a church rummage sale last week, and scored this toddler-sized lawn chair with astronauts...

...and a cow...

...who mooooooos!

Mama and Nora spent the weekend in Boston with Aunt Abby and Aunt Sara. We had a fabulous time. On Saturday evening, we went to a
LibraryThing party where Nora promptly commandeered another baby's hat.

Nora was still exhausted from the partying on Sunday morning! She fell asleep on my back on the way back from breakfast, and slept through a grocery store visit on the walk home as well.

On Sunday, we went to a
Baby Loves Disco party. Unfortunately, it wasn't the best photography environment, but we had lots of fun! Nora particularly loved the balloons.

Dancing is serious business!

She was pretty excited about all the dancing accessories, especially the toddler-sized hula hoops and the egg shakers (she didn't quite get the idea of scarves). She went entirely inside the mesh bin that was full of egg shakers at one point, and started handing them out behind her to the other waiting babies!

One of the most exciting things about visiting her city aunties is the fact that you can look out the window and see cars! Right there going by us!

When we got home, Nora had figured out how to climb up on couches. She spent most of the morning today clambering up on the couch with her magazine, flopping down on her back, and flipping through looking for interesting articles. ;)

She really likes this magazine,
Wild Animal Baby. Thank you again, Nana and Babchi!

We're off to Brightwater on Thursday for a long vacation - Nora and I will be there for almost two weeks, and Daddy will be coming up for two long weekends with us. I'll make sure to pack the camera and battery charger and take lots of pictures, but I probably won't be able to post again until we're home. So we'll see you all mid-August!
Have a wonderful time at Brightwater! I know you will... bluebies, sunshowers, stars,... what could be better?!
Have a great time at Brightwater! I just ordered WAB for Ingrid, so I'm glad to see Nora approves of that choice! :)
I hope that your vacation is going well! I loves the disco party pics!
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